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Gallery > Artificial Satellite > Iridium 64 flash
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Ghostly shadows
The Full Wolf Moon is rising
Iridium flash at magnitude -7!
28837 times
Double Iridium Flash
28706 times
Iridium 45 flash
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Iridium flash, Mars and Pisces
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Small Iridium flash under the Moon
23632 times
Iridium 64 flash
23524 times
Double Iridium Flash
23034 times
Iridium 58, magnitude -6
22591 times
an Iridium capture by the branches
22238 times
Iridium flash in the branches
22126 times
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Iridium 64 flash
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The night is not yet deep. The Sun is set since 1 hour and 2 minutes. The sky is tint with blue and pink subsist near the horizon. In this evening landscape, Iridium 64 illuminate the sky at magnitude -4, then fade away quickly. The stars of Capricornus form the background.
Seen 23524 times
Instrument   Tamron 28 mm 1:4.0 lens
Exposure & film   60 s on Sensia 200
Date & place   November 16, 2003, Quimper

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 This picture has been published in
 Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)
Published as the picture of the day on December 21, 2003 on the Website Earth Science Picture of the Day.
To see the picture, click here 
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