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Gallery > Eclipses > October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
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October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
23529 times
October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
21729 times
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Atmosphere under the Full Moon
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Atmosphere under the Full Moon
18918 times
October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
18763 times
Atmosphere under the Full Moon
18558 times
Atmosphere under the Full Moon
18412 times
Atmosphere under the Full Moon
17820 times
Atmosphere under the Full Moon
17614 times
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October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
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Lets start the series dedicated to the October 28, 2004 total lunar eclipse with the middle: the totality!
It's 5:50 French local time. The totality has just finished since 5 minutes. The white sunlight start to reappear on the upper right side of the Moon. My DC Camedia fixed behind my 10x70 binoculars, I take several pictures in close-up, but the strong wind makes me failed many photos. This one is the best, not so bad for the technique used.
Seen 23529 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   110 mm focal length
Exposure & film   1 s with digital camera Camedia 5060 fixé derrière des jumelles 10x70
Date & place   October 28, 2004, Sainte Marine

 The others pictures of "October 28, 2004 total lunar eclipse"
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