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Gallery > The Constellations > The Great Summer's Triangle
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The Great Summer's Triangle
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1024 x 768 pixels (122 ko)

 1024 x 768 pixels (122 kB)
Here is the Great Summer's Triangle with (from left to right): the Cygnus, the Lyra and Aquila (the small Daulphin is visible near the horizon and Sagitta is penetrated the Aquila's wing). On the far left, Cepheus and in the upper right Herculus and Ophicius.

CLick here to see the original picture.
Seen 21324 times
Instrument   10 mm focal length
Exposure & film   120 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 10-20 1:4-5.6
Date & place   May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Côtes d'Armor)

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