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Complex solar halo
23374 times
Circumzenithal arc, parhelions, parhelic circle, etc.
19416 times
Circumzenithal arc, parhelions, parhelic circle, etc.
18956 times
Circumzenithal arc, parhelions, parhelic circle, etc.
18412 times
Circumzenithal arc, parhelions, parhelic circle, etc.
17891 times
Circumzenithal arc, parhelions, parhelic circle, etc.
17731 times
 The others pictures of "The great halo of December 3, 2003"
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Complex solar halo
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1024 x 977 pixels (124 kB)


 1024 x 977 pixels 
(124 ko)
Instrument   38 mm focal length, composite of 8 pictures
Exposure & film   1/500 s with digital camera DC3400 Zoom
Date & place   December 3, 2003, Quimper
This December 3, 2003, will be a key date in my halo hunter life! All has started this midday when I abandoned my pasta to have a quick look to the sky outside. I saw a circumzenithal arc that I decided to record with my digital camera.
It's between 14 o'clock and 14:45 local time that the display became great! The circumzenithal arc reappear, but this time, it is along with very bright and colorful parhelion, showing nay the starting of a parhelic circle. Sticked to the circumzenithal arc, the supralateral arc is visible!
Standing at the middle of my street, facing the Sun masked by a street-lamp, I take many picutres. I'm like a fool (neighbours who saw me think I'm really crazy...)!
This digital composite presents the phenomenon in its globality. Unfortunately, the digital camera is saturated in the inner parts of the 22 degrees halo.
But the other picture taken onslide with a fisheye lens support more easily the brightness range.

An anotated version with the names of the visible structures is available here (127 ko).
Seen 23374 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "The great halo of December 3, 2003"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

 This picture has been published in
 Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)
Published as the picture of the day on February 10, 2004 on the Website Earth Science Picture of the Day.
To see the picture, click here 
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