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The Solar System in 3D
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3D Saturn
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The Full Moon in 3D!
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3D Saturn
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3D Jupiter
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3D Jupiter
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3D Jupiter
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1024 x 768 pixels (97 ko)

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As I did for Saturn, here is an anaglyph view of Jupiter. The two images I used to create it come from the best planetary astrophotographer in the World, Damian Peach. He lends me two views acquired on March 4, 2003 a few tens of minutes apart.
N.B.: In each picture, I have erased Io and its shadow, because their shifting from the first photo to the second one wasn't the same as Jupiter's clouds. So this was hard to see the relief.

See also the cross-eyed picture. Picture: Damian Peach.
Seen 31415 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   C11 @ f/22 + ToUcam Pro 2800/280 (F/D 10.0) reflector, composite of 2 pictures
Exposure & film   N.A. on
Date & place   March 4, 2003, N.A.

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