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3D Saturn
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3D Saturn
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3D Saturn
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800 x 600 pixels (41 ko)

 800 x 600 pixels (41 kB)
As the Moon, it is possible to create a false 3D view of Saturn. For that, you just need two pictures taken a few weeks apart, and then to composite them to create an anaglyph.
This two great pictures nicely shared by Marc Delcroix (visit his great Website) had been taken on February 19 and March 13, 2007, respectively about 1 and 5 weeks after the opposition of Saturn. Then, the planet is seen under two slightly different angles, which allow to create this 3D view.

See also the cross-eyed picture. Picture: Marc Delcroix.
Seen 48532 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   LX200 10" + barlow x3 + toUcam 2540/254 (F/D 10.0) refractor, composite of 2 pictures
Exposure & film   1/25 s on
Date & place   March 13, 2007, Toulouse

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