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Gallery > Conjunctions and transits > The Moon and the Pleiades over the pontoon
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Leonid and Big Dipper
Moon-plane conjunction
Close-up ont the Moon and the Pleiades
20621 times
Vertical panorama with the Moon, the Pleiades and Venus
19943 times
The Moon, the Pleiades and the Bénodet Lighthouse
19126 times
The Moon and the Pleiades above Bénodet
17882 times
The Moon and the Pleiades are emerging
17650 times
The Moon is leaving slowly the Pleiades
17273 times
The Moon, the Pleiades and the Minaret
16714 times
The Moon and the Pleiades over the pontoon
16656 times
The Moon and the Pleiades are climbing
16585 times
 The others pictures of "Conjunction Moon-Pleiades on June 23, 2006"
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The Moon and the Pleiades over the pontoon
Photo processed with DxO Optics
Click to enlarge
768 x 1024 pixels (110 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(110 ko)
Instrument   70 mm focal length
Exposure & film   2 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 70-300 1:4-5.6
Date & place   June 23, 2006, Sainte Marine (Finistère)
Then I return to the harbor of Sainte Marine. But the Bénodet's lighthouse I hoped to be near the Moon is too far on the right. I have to go down the Odet river. Before that, I take another picture of the Moon with the 7 sisters from a pontoon.
Seen 16656 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "Conjunction Moon-Pleiades on June 23, 2006"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

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