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 Gallery > Artificial Satellite
1782 pictures in
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The Great Summer's Triangle
Moon-Mercury conjunction
Iridium Flashes
Iridium flash at magnitude -7!
28818 times
Double Iridium Flash
28685 times
Various satellites
Satellite flash
31574 times
The Earth shadow reaveled by satellites
17200 times
ISS transit
ISS in front of the Sun
26431 times
Iridium Flashes: don't do the same!
Launch too late
19372 times
Too late!
19318 times
ISS in the Brittany sky
32398 times
ISS: Western side
25723 times
ISS: don't do the same!
ISS split in two
20107 times
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 Artificial Satellite 

 Iridium Flashes  16 pictures 
Iridium flash in the branchesIridium 45 flashan Iridium capture by the branchesIridium 64 flashIridium flash, Mars and Pisces
Small Iridium flash under the MoonIridium flash at magnitude -7!Magnitude -8 Iridium 63 flashDouble Iridium FlashDouble Iridium Flash
Iridium 58, magnitude -6Daylight Iridium flashDouble daylight Iridium flashesDouble Iridium Flash at magnitude -5Double Iridium Flash at magnitude -5
Double Iridium Flash at magnitude -5
 Various satellites  3 pictures 
The Earth shadow reaveled by satellitesThe Earth shadow reaveled by satellitesSatellite flash
 ISS transit  1 pictures 
ISS in front of the Sun
 Iridium Flashes: don't do the same!  3 pictures 
Too late!Launch too lateStill missed!
 ISS  11 pictures 
ISS in the Brittany skyISS enter into the Earth shadowISS in the twilightISS pass by the Full MoonISS betwenn Orion and the Moon
ISS pass by VenusISS: Western sideISS: Eastern sideISS, Saturn and the MoonISS and the Great Andromeda Galaxy
ISS defeated by the Taurus
 ISS: don't do the same!  1 pictures 
ISS split in two
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