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Gallery > Conjunctions and transits > The earthshine through the branches
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Threatening undulations
Changes in the Moon's apparent diameter
23342 times
The Moon 3 degrees from Venus
18133 times
The earthshine through the branches
18131 times
The Moon scratched by a branch
17587 times
17374 times
The earthshine begin to appear
17106 times
 The others pictures of "Moon-Venus on January 24, 2004"
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The earthshine through the branches
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Slowly, the night getd darker. On emore time, I move my tripod to put the Moon and Venus in holes in the naked branches of this beech plunged in the winter chill.
Now, the earthshine is evident. Another star has appeared in the prolongation of the Moon's horns, toward the bottom. It's HIP113531, a poor magnitude 6 satr. Did you noticed the the light dot on the upper right of Venus? It's Lambda Aquarii.
Seen 18131 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   Zuiko 200 mm 1:4.0 lens
Exposure & film   6 s on Sensia 200
Date & place   January 24, 2004, Quimper

 The others pictures of "Moon-Venus on January 24, 2004"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

 This picture has been published in
 Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)
Published as the picture of the day on February 16, 2004 on the Website Earth Science Picture of the Day.
To see the picture, click here 
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