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Gallery > Moon games > Sabine in the Moon
1782 pictures in
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The Great Square Of Pegasus
The Earthshine is rising
Sabine is inside the Moon
53345 times
Sabine pushes the Moon
50756 times
Carrying the Full Moon with the arms
48366 times
Sabine carry the Moon on her back
47511 times
Sabine carry the Moon with its feet
44666 times
Sabine in the Moon
43204 times
To throw away the Full Moon
39423 times
On her head, without the hands
37426 times
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Sabine in the Moon
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For months, Sabine and I were talking about that: taking pictures of the Moon by playing with it. To do a funny thing, something that change with the common Moon pictures. Sabine (the women who is living with me) is a graphic artist. She has alway a lot of ideas. We have discussed of many diffrent situations to play with the Full Moon.
In early August, it's time to realize our project. The Full Moon must rise a few before the sunset. In a bright sky, Sabine is easily visible, and she will vanish as the night gets deeper.
For the site, the dunes of Treguennec would be a good choice. The dunes aren't very high, but the beach is large and allows to be far from Sabine in order to have at the same time the focus on Sabine and the Moon. As the Moon will rise, I will have to get closer from Sabine and stay lower at the dune's foot.
In order to keep the contact, we are using our cellular phones. So I can tell her how to have the good position. I have my headset and Sabine have fix its cellular in her bras!
As soon as the Moon appear, we are ready!
Seen 43204 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   Canon 350D + WO Megrez 480/80 (F/D 6.0) refractor
Exposure & film   1/30 s on
Date & place   August 8, 2006, Treguennec (Finistère)

 The others pictures of "August Full Moon"
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