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Gallery > Starry adventures > Orion over the river
1782 pictures in
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Sand stack
The Pic de l'Ours
The Moon along with Mercury
23010 times
Orion over the river
22870 times
The Earthshine appear in the fog
22563 times
The night is ending
20438 times
The Moon and Mercury are reflecting on the water
20042 times
Orion over the river
19945 times
On the river's shore
19612 times
Orion is reflecting in the water
19536 times
Startrails with reflection in the water
18368 times
The Moon and Mercury are reflecting on the water
17703 times
 The others pictures of "On the Odet River shore"
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Orion over the river
Photo processed with DxO Optics
Click to enlarge
768 x 1024 pixels (142 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(142 ko)
Instrument   10 mm focal length
Exposure & film   30 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 10-20 1:4-5.6
Date & place   November 19, 2006, Quimper
With a very wide angle lens, the beauty of this site is evident. A pale Milky Way crosses the sky in diagonal, grazing Orion and Canis Major (just above the horizon on the left). Its stars reflect on the water surface, with the two stars of Orion's feet.

Have a look to this animation showing the shifting of the stars over 30 minutes :
- animation in Flash (534 x 801, 5.8 MB)
- animation in GIF (267 x 401, 2.4 MB)
Seen 19945 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "On the Odet River shore"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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