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Gallery > Moonrise > The Full Moon, Antares and Jupiter
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The Full Wolf Moon is rising
Flower Moon
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Flower Moon
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The Full Moon, Antares and Jupiter
23881 times
The Moon on
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Flower Moon
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The Full Moon is rising as the Sun is setting
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May Full Moon
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May Full Moon
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May Full Moon
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May Full Moon
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The Full Moon, Antares and Jupiter
Click to enlarge
1588 x 768 pixels (132 ko)

 1588 x 768 pixels (132 kB)
This horizontal panorama allow to appreciate the relative brightness of the Full Moon (magnitude -12), Jupiter (on the far left, magnitude -3) and Antares (just on the Moon's left, magnitude +1).
In this high definition picture 4000x2000 pixels, 900 kB), the four galilean satellites are visible: from left to right, Io, Ganymed, Europa and Callisto (magnitude +5 to +6).
Seen 23881 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   150 mm focal length, composite of 7 pictures
Exposure & film   2 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 70-300 1:4-5.6
Date & place   May 30, 2007, Quimper

 The others pictures of "Full Flower Moon (May)"
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