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Gallery > Artificial Satellite > ISS: Western side
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When I look in her eyes...
A hoop, to draw the Earth's shadow
ISS in the Brittany sky
31915 times
ISS: Western side
25253 times
ISS enter into the Earth shadow
24392 times
ISS pass by Venus
22234 times
ISS, Saturn and the Moon
21779 times
ISS pass by the Full Moon
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ISS in the twilight
20745 times
ISS and the Great Andromeda Galaxy
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ISS betwenn Orion and the Moon
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ISS: Eastern side
19704 times
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ISS: Western side
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On July 23, 2004, a nice passage is expected above Quimper: ISS must cross the sky to an elevation of 78 degrees. It's about 11:30 PM, so the sky is dark blue.
In the picture, ISS is climbing quickly, coming from the west, pass by the star Cor Caroli (Alpha Canum Venaticorum) at the left of the Big Dipper. In this first exposure ((see also the second one), ISS is still pale, about magnitude 1.
I stop the pose - because the Camedia in Noise Reduction mode needs to make another 50 s exposure to substract to the previous one - and turn the camera toward the East to capture the disappearance of the Station in the Earth's Shadow.
Seen 25253 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   27 mm focal length
Exposure & film   50 s with digital camera Camedia 5060
Date & place   July 23, 2004, Quimper

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