Website (Publication in a Website) |
Amazing Space (STSci) (1 publication) | |
Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD) (12 publications) | |
Atmospheric Optics (1 publication) | |
BadAstronomy.com (2 publications) | |
Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) (32 publications) | |
Eyeka.com (1 publication) | |
L'internaute - Interview and slide show in the "Digital photography" pages in the Web magazine L'internaute . Click here | |
Science@NASA (1 publication) | |
SkyTonight.com (S&T Website) (6 publications) | |
Space.com (1 publication) | |
SpaceWeather (36 publications) | |
Magazine, press (Publication in a magazine or the press) |
"5 vies", le journal du Pays Créçois (1 publication) | |
Astronomie magazine (3 publications) | |
Chasseur d'images (1 publication) | |
Ciel et Espace (1 publication) | |
L'astronomie (2 publications) | |
Le Télégramme - Interview and photos (3 pages) realized by Yves Madec about my passion for the photography of the sky. Click here | |
Maxi - Short item in "Maxi" magazine on August 2, 2004, in a page dedicated to the "Nuit des étoiles" Click here | |
Pour la science (1 publication) | |
Reflex[e] Numérique - Photoastronomique.net is mentioned in the magazine "Reflexe numérique" (10th issue, March 2004), in the header "Internet, some sites to see..." Click here | |
Sky & Telescope (1 publication) | |
The Guernsey Press (1 publication) | |
Book (Publication in a book) |
Climats et météorologie (Editions Fleurus) (2 publications) | |
Guide de l'astronome débutant (1 publication) | |
Home On The Moon (1 publication) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2003 (6 publications) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2004 (5 publications) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2005 (3 publications) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2006 (3 publications) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2007 (1 publication) | |
Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2008 (1 publication) | |
Pod vlivem mesìce (1 publication) | |
Pulsation, rotation, wind and magnetic field in early B-type (1 publication) | |
The Universe 365 Days (1 publication) | |
Other (Publication in an other kind of media) |
Catalogue Nature et Découverte 2008 (1 publication) | |
CD audio "Dawnlights, the fourth dimension" Philippe Dutrieu (1 publication) | |
CD audio "New horizons" Auteur : Silbermond (1 publication) | |
CD audio "Plu Meven" (Esperanto Bretagne) (1 publication) | |
France Bleu Breizh Izel - Interview about my passion of sky photography cuts in 5 episodes broadcast from Monday to Friday in "La Bretagne à la carte" (about 2 min 30 s long) Click here | |
Photo contests (Prizewinning photos in contests) |
Beautiful Universe 2007 (1 publication) | |
Eyeka.com (Canon) (1 publication) | |
Eyrolles/Ciel et Espace (1 publication) | |
L'internaute (photo numérique) (1 publication) | |