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My equipment |
I have two digital cameras (a Canon DSLR and an Olympus bridge)
and for lenses (from 8 to 300 mm). |
My Megrez SD 80/480 |
This high quality construction refractor isn't perfect (it's a simple chromatic doublet),
but it's a very transportable instrument. |
My film equipment is composed by
many lenses (from 16 to 400 mm) and two camera:
Olympus of course! |
My 80/480 refractor |
I do not use anymore this cheap chinese refractor because it suffers from chromatism.
Bu tI still use its cheap mount. |
For me, the ideal instrument: very good transportability and
pleasant to use. What an enjoyment in the Milky Way or on the earthshine. |
All the accessories I use to make my pictures: tripod, eyepiece, remote control, barlow, etc. |
My eyes: definitly not the better of my instruments,
but they are really useful. |
Here, I will explain why the prices are given. It's not to make you believe I'm rich :o)
but to tell you that this price is not so high regarding big instruments. |
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A Shower of Stars in Brittany

Brittany by night in panorama!