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Gallery > In the sky > A contrail shadow
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Atmosphere under the Full Moon
The Earthshine, Venus, Saturn and the lighthouse
Parhelic circle and 22° halo!
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Upper Parry arc
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Solar halo
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22 degrees halo in a cloudy sky
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A contrail shadow
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Sun halo and insect
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Upper arc at 22 degrees
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Upper tangent arc
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Contrail, shadow and Sun halo
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A lasting halo
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A contrail shadow
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Except the 22 degrees halo on the lower right corner in this picture taken with a fisheye lens, a weird dark bar seeming to originate from the Sun cross the photo. It is the contrail (visible near the Sun) shadow.
Indeed, the airplane flew higher than the cirrus layer in which the halo has formed, so its shadow cast on the cirrus veil. In the picture, the trail is at least 120 degrees long!
Seen 22810 times
Instrument   Zuiko 16 mm 1:3.5 lens
Exposure & film   1/250 s on Sensia 200
Date & place   March 8, 2004, Quimper

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