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Gallery > In the sky > Colorful sundog
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The Big Dipper behind the semaphore
The Blue Moon in close up
Nice sundog
38851 times
Colored parhelion
32264 times
Sundog away from 22° halo
30416 times
Colorful sundog
27299 times
Bright parhelion
25641 times
Simple parhelion
24177 times
Beginning of a parhelic circle
23148 times
Very colorful parhelion
23020 times
Simple parhelion
21960 times
Two sundogs
20765 times
 The others pictures of "Parhelions"
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Colorful sundog
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On August 10, 2004, I give a look outside, as I'm doing 100 times a day, and I see this wonderfull sundog displayed in a perfectly shaped cloud. Elongated to the horizontal, it seem to have been placed here to receive the diffracted sunlight: red toward the Sun, then becoming quickly blue on a distance hard to gauge.
Seen 27299 times
Instrument   110 mm focal length
Exposure & film   1/750 s with digital camera Camedia 5060
Date & place   August 10, 2004, Quimper

 The others pictures of "Parhelions"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |

 This picture has been published in
 Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)
Published as the picture of the day on November 12, 2004 on the Website Earth Science Picture of the Day.
To see the picture, click here 
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