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Gallery > Sunsets, green flash > Blue and green flashes
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The Pic de l'Ours
Lunar backlighting
The true green flash
30811 times
Green flash and blue flash
29967 times
Then, the green flash
27545 times
Green flash and blue flash
26427 times
The Sun touch its reflet
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Omega Sun
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Blue and green flashes
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Blue and green flashes
22571 times
Blue and green flashes
21819 times
Green flash, blue flash
17573 times
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Blue and green flashes
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I take another picture of the green and blue tints as the Sun's summit get through a hole in the cloud bar. Due to the atmospheric absorption stronger in blue wavelengths than in green wavelengths, the blue flash is more and more uncommon.
Seen 22571 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   Canon 350D + WO Megrez 480/80 (F/D 6.0) refractor
Exposure & film   1/4000 s on
Date & place   April 7, 2006, Tronoën (Finistère)

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