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Gallery > Artificial Satellite > Double Iridium Flash
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A car is passing
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter aligned
Iridium flash at magnitude -7!
28806 times
Double Iridium Flash
28667 times
Iridium 45 flash
26023 times
Iridium flash, Mars and Pisces
23685 times
Small Iridium flash under the Moon
23599 times
Iridium 64 flash
23492 times
Double Iridium Flash
22998 times
Iridium 58, magnitude -6
22554 times
an Iridium capture by the branches
22209 times
Iridium flash in the branches
22094 times
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Double Iridium Flash
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This morning, reading my emails, I notice in the Clasky Alerts a double Iridium flash ideally located: Iridium 7 and 51 will flash two minutes apart, In the head of Leo, between the Moon and Saturn (close to Mars and the Beehives star cluster). It's a very good opportunity to try my brand new Sigma 10-20 mm 1:4-5.6.
I leave home one hour before the event in order to find a good place. In the evening, I have watched for the ideally place in Google Earth. Arrived there, I must cross a dark forest to reach the Odet River shore: this site is charming!
I have decided to make two 30 s photos, in order to avoid the trailing of the stars. But I have to shot not too early nor too late (not to miss the beginning or the end of the flashes).
Once back at home, I composite the two shots in Photoshop to realize this picture with dot like stars.
Seen 28667 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   10 mm focal length, composite of 2 pictures
Exposure & film   30 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 10-20 1:4-5.6
Date & place   June 5, 2006, Quimper

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 This picture has been published in
Published on June 6, 2006, in the homepage of SpaceWeather
To see the picture, click here 
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