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Gallery > The Constellations > Virgo above Carnac menhirs
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The Pinatubo effect
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Watching the stars on a Full Moon night
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Leo constellaiton and the menhir
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Virgo and Corvus constellations
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Leo, Ursa Major and Bootes
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Watching the stars on a Full Moon night
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Virgo above Carnac menhirs
15220 times
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Virgo above Carnac menhirs
Photo processed with DxO Optics
Click to enlarge
768 x 1024 pixels (168 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(168 ko)
Instrument   24 mm focal length, composite of 7 pictures
Exposure & film   15 s with digital camera Canon 5D MarkII + Canon 24mm L USM
Date & place   March 6, 2009, Carnac
Above the Carnac menhirs, depsite the moonlight, the light pollution of the small town of Carnac is visible, probably due to a bell tower.
In the sky, Virgo is watching the World.
Seen 15220 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "Spring constellations"
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